Wednesday, August 13, 2008

_miNd youR oWn Business_

"Having friends is fun but keeping them is more fuN. ..."I really treasured my friendz as I treasured myself. . ....I admit it that I had an attitude "happy go lucky persoN" but not all the time.. . ..I'm so thankful because some people criticize my capabilities as a person.. .as a friend. ..and as a studeNt.. ....for those people who criticize my capabilities!!!!. .. thank you so much!!!!. .I really appreciate iT. .. . ..
"Don't be judgementaL!!!!!"You don't know who I am. ...and what are my capabilities as a person especiallY as a studeNt. .. ..
I know what I'm doing. ...I know my limitationS.. .. ..if I'm a happy go lucky girl.. .maybe I got pregnant this time or I have a miserable life.. ....
"Think before you acT". .. I said while ago.. .thank you for your comment.. .
"I already found my friends that could accept who I am"

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

_I will NeVer LeT You go_

I reallY. ..reallY love my daddY. ...he is the person I can spend my whole life. ... .
He is my special someone since I was in highschool. .. ..I know that theres a lot of discrimination about him because of his status in life.. . ..but still I loved him. .. ..
hoping????yes!. ...right now. .. .all iwant to do is back to his side to his arms and to his heart. ....
determined????yes!. ....right now I still hoping that we were be together again. .. .I must fixed myself . ... my emotion .. .. .and my feelings. . ...
I love you daddY. ...I will never let you go. .
Please take me back to your mind. .to your soul and to your heart. .....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

_baKtas TeaM rocK muh worLd_

.fiRsT I would like to say THANK YOU for eVerythiNg. ...for being a meMber of Baktas team ...This girlz teached me how to be strong especially when I'm in darkness struggling my obstacles in life. ...They Teached me how to move-on and how to forget Him. ..Tnx guyz for being part of my new life without Him. ...Tnx for your smile that makes me strong. ..and for your love that makes me a real person. ...Char BaYoOoOTTT!!!!nosebleed jud moh noh???hahahhaahhah. ... ...
Having friends like them are so wonderful and beautiful. ..We make our days with a smile in our face. ...I treasured them most,. .. especially our bonding moments. .God unite us to be a celebrity in the campus, the outside world. ...char!!!char!!!. ..

We just a simple girlz that have unique identity. .. .All I can say is